This is a guide on how to survive the rain in NYC while simultaneously not being hated by everyone around you while you do it. An important skill in NYC as it rains frequently, staying dry in the commute is an integral part of staying happy as a New Yorker.
The Job Hunt
Unfortunately, living in NYC costs money… I know, right? There’s two routes you can take in regards to jobs when moving to NYC. First, you can secure a job for yourself and then make the move. Second, you can do what I did and save up some money, move out there, and then hope to […]
Mistakes to Avoid During Your First Few Weeks in New York
As a precursor to my first post on this brilliantly overdue website, I dare not claim that I have accomplished the goal and graduated to bona fide New Yorker status. 16 months does not a New Yorker make. What 16 months in this big tiny city does make, however, is a misplaced and disgruntled Midwesterner…who […]