Part of the Ask A New Yorker series. Ed. note: In an effort to make our bevy of BANY contributors a bit more familiar to you all, we now present “Ask a New Yorker: Karri”, the first post in Q&A series with those who write for this site. Check it out, enjoy the stories, and share […]

Ask A New Yorker: Karri
by Karri Wells
Filed Under: Apartment Hunting, Ask A New Yorker, Eating Out, Entertainment, Events, Things to Do Tagged With: bathrooms, Celebrate Brooklyn, Concrete, Dickchicken, Ellis Island, Graffiti, Graham Avenue, Iced Coffee, Laundry, Lindsay Lohan, Lower East Side, Macaron, Mesa Coyoacan, Music Hall of Williamsburg, Prospect Park, Prospect Park Bandshell, Staten Island, Staten Island Ferry, Statue of Liberty, Street Easy, Times Square, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Bridge