This is a quick three rule guide on how to become a Yankees fan once someone moves to NY.
Do You Belong In New York City?
After living in New York City for a few months, I started getting asked two questions a lot: 1) What is it like to live in New York City and 2) What are some tips for living in New York City? That realization eventually gave rise to this entire site, which is hopefully helping […]
NYC Rain, An Extended Guide
This is a guide on how to survive the rain in NYC while simultaneously not being hated by everyone around you while you do it. An important skill in NYC as it rains frequently, staying dry in the commute is an integral part of staying happy as a New Yorker.
Ask A New Yorker: Cyndi
Part of the Ask A New Yorker series. What has been your biggest surprise living in the city? How lonely it is, despite how many people there are. In my opinion, most people come here to accomplish some individual or personal goal, not really to meet others. What is your favorite place to grab a […]